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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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Intent of our art design curriculum, provision and enrichment


The intent of our art and design curriculum is to develop deep knowledge, understanding and appreciation of art genres, techniques, media, through the works of both classic and modern artists. Through frequent opportunities to explore and practice, pupils will gain the resilience to confidently express themselves and review their own artwork and the work of others. They will flourish as creative and curious artists, developing a life-long interest and love of art.



We teach the threshold concepts of art discretely, through the Chris Quigley Essentials Curriculum, which are progressive in each milestone to ensure retrieval and connections are developed.

Art teaching is structured through the use of an Art and Design Learning journey half termly. This details key vocabulary, key questions, success criteria, supporting visuals.

There are three key threshold concepts used in every unit

  • Develop ideas – understanding how ideas develop through an artistic process
  • Master techniques – developing procedural knowledge so that ideas may be communicated
  • Take inspiration from the greats – learning from both the artistic process and techniques of great artists and artisans throughout history

Each unit of learning includes with art appreciation, exploration and development of techniques used by artists, practise and application of skills and knowledge ending in a final piece of artwork

Teaching and learning in art and design follows a clear progression of skills and coverage of mediums, styles and the visual elements.

Each class has a focus artist for each term, selected to ensure an exploration of a diverse range of famous artists/movements across time, nationality and genre.

Pupils have sketchbooks which stay with them throughout their whole school journey, to allow them to reflect on their journey as an artist.

The use of sketchbooks will be explicitly taught and planned for and will have a threefold purpose:

  • To practise and experiment with art techniques and media.
  • To express themselves individually in response to art.
  • Use art as a tool to respond to other areas of the curriculum e.g. to a poem, news articles or in RE. 

Art is celebrated through displays within classrooms, communal areas and externally through the newsletter, school website and local exhibitions

All pupils will visit an art gallery during their time in school

Art enrichment through workshops with outside artists/ commissions

Creation of collaborative pieces of art, across classes and the school

After school Art clubs run regularly throughout the year

Promotion of external art projects/competitions for pupils to develop their personal interest, love of art.



Valuing every child as a unique individual, teaching and learning will be adapted to ensure equitable provision, representing all protective characteristics. 


Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development


Within our art and design curriculum, we explore and make connections with a balance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects in order to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and our diverse world. 

Progression of knowledge


We have created comprehensive documents which include our whole school curriculum progression for Art and design. The school uses the threshold concepts of the Chris Quigley curriculum to form its subject progression. 

For copyright reasons, this document is not published on our website, but is available on request.


 Thoughts about Art and design from our children 


“Art is like writing what is in your imagination”


“It’s a way of expressing your feelings”

"I enjoy art because I like the feeling of pencil on paper, it is much better than on a tablet!"


“ I love drawing natural objects as being outside with nature is relaxing, it makes me happy”


"Art is peaceful and calming"


"I like all the different colours"


Useful websites for art:


Tate Kids

#DrawWithRob — Rob Biddulph 

