

Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.

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  • Eagles 1672
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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years at Yattendon



The intent of our EYFS curriculum is to build on pupil’s starting points and provide deep rooted foundations they need for their learning journey. These foundations will cover prime and specific areas of learning alongside establishing effective learning behaviours. The learning experiences and environments provided will enable pupils to make connections within their play which they will manage with growing independence. Pupils will begin to form healthy relationships as they learn to communicate and interact appropriately with each other. By the end of EYFS, pupils will flourish as curious and creative, resilient learners, prepared for their next steps.



Our curriculum follows the Early Years Statutory Framework and uses Development Matters 2022 as a starting point. We provide a broad and balanced curriculum, which builds on the existing knowledge and understanding, regardless of starting points. Our curriculum is delivered through topic themes, starting from the children’s interests but covering all aspects of the prime and specific areas of learning and development.


We following the seven key features of effective practice (Grenier, 2020):


The best for every child

  • All children deserve to have an equal chance of success.
  • Knowing children well means we can support our pupils’ individual needs.
  • The unique child will be nurtured to enable them to succeed.


High-quality care

  • The needs of the child are paramount and always considered when planning and facilitating learning.
  • Supporting children in transition into school and from reception to year 1.


The curriculum: what we want children to learn

  • A curriculum which is broad and balanced and which builds on the knowledge, understanding and skills of all pupils, from individual starting points.
  • We recognise the changing needs and interests of our pupils and we are responsive to this using regular observations and assessments.

Pedagogy: helping children to learn

  • Learning activities, continuous and enhanced provision are engineered so the children learn through play
  • Adult led activities are planned to move children forward in their learning.
  • An engaging and language rich environment is provided and constantly adapted to suit the needs of the children.
  • Children can access all areas of learning both inside and outside.
  • Forest Friday – Regular trips to the forest classroom


Assessment: checking what children have learnt

  • Through the baseline (RBA) and formative on entry assessments, we know each child’s starting point.
  • Tapestry is used to record observations, which are used to inform planning and children’s next steps.
  • Regular tracking of progression - half- termly.
  • High quality questioning and interactions are used to check understanding and address misconceptions
  • Using effective feedback to help facilitate next steps in learning but providing enough challenge to develop resilience.
  • Internal and external moderation is used to validate judgements


Self-regulation and executive function

  • We use the Jigsaw programme to promote self-regulation.
  • We use the therapeutic thinking approach to support children’s behaviour.
  • In the classroom we use praise to reinforce good choices.
  • Children are given time and supported to self-regulate.
  • Children are encouraged to take risks in their learning.


A partnership with parents

  • Before starting school a structured programme of transition is offered.
  • Regular opportunities for parents to attend performances/assemblies to support learning at home and be involved in school life
  • Home learning: opportunities that allow children to build on their school experiences at home, as the support parents give their children at home has a very significant impact on their learning.




  • Phonics: Daily differentiated phonics lessons following the Twinkl scheme, continuous provision where phonics activities are available for children to consolidate and extend phonic skills and knowledge
  • Children are regularly assessed to ensure reading book are appropriate. Children are listened to read at least once a week. Children take books home to read with their parents.
  • English: We use the Pie Corbett approach. Lessons follow a journey where children learn text, create maps, innovate and write own versions using phonics knowledge.
  • favourite five – Focus on five reading books over a half term
  • Poetry basket – learning rhymes with actions
  • Guided reading- We use the VIPER approach as a whole class four times a week.
  •  Pen disco- fine motor skills and letter formation
  • Purposeful talk is planned for. Talk is modelled and scaffolded to develop children as articulate speakers.



  • Daily lessons following the White Rose scheme of learning. Children focusing on developing a deep understanding of the numbers to 10, explore number patterns and shape, space and measure through practical and real life activities.
  • The Numberblock support our learning and daily
  • Fluency session using number stick.


Valuing every child as a unique individual, teaching and learning will be adapted to ensure equitable provision, representing all protective characteristics. 

Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development 

Within our EYFS curriculum, we explore and make connections with a balance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects in order to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and our diverse world.  

Pupil Voice 


I like going into the mud kitchen to make a cake.

The best bit is playing and making new friends

I like going to the library 

I can join in with my teachers

The best bit, mostly all of it!

EYFS Presentation to Parents
