Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.
Welcome to
Yattendon C of E Aided
Primary School
A small school with a big vision
The intent of our DT curriculum is to develop a deep knowledge and understanding of the design process, skills and the work of past and present design and technology. Varied and frequent opportunities will enable pupils to evaluate, solve real problems and explore processes practically. Pupils confidently manipulate this knowledge and make links with other areas of the curriculum. They will flourish as creative and curious designers, showing a keen sense of wonder and enrich their understanding of the world.
We teach a skills-based DT curriculum, linked to the C. Quigley document which enables children to express their individuality and creativity as well as developing mastery in the key processes of DT as specified by the National Curriculum. Our DT teaching and learning follows a clear progression of knowledge in designing, making, evaluating and technical knowledge. Each unit starts with the use of an DT Learning journey. This details key vocabulary, key questions, success criteria, supporting visuals.
The teaching and learning process will begin with generating ideas, followed by the making process and concludes with evaluating their own and the work of others. Throughout this process the children will develop knowledge and understanding of Design techniques and designers that are famous for using them.
DT is taught discretely and is often taught in blocks of time to enable the children to immerse themselves in the process
Where appropriate a significant designer, engineer, chef will be used as inspiration and to learn about developments in design and technology over time
There are 3 key learning objectives for DT – use in every unit
1. To master practical skills and technical knowledge and use technical vocabulary
2. To take inspiration from design throughout history
3. The design process –
Learning is collated as a project booklet as evidence.
Materials (features, fit for purpose etc.) will be a feature of all taught unit
During the Foundation Stage opportunities for each area of DT will be developed through adult led and self- initiated learning.
DT is celebrated through assemblies
DT is celebrated through displays within classrooms, communal areas and externally through the newsletter, school website and local exhibitions
STEM activities and resources are available for the children to use and explore at lunchtime
Enrichment activities/visits and visitors are planned each year
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Curriculum Content
Progression of Knowledge
We have created comprehensive documents which include our whole school curriculum progression for Design and Technology. The school uses the threshold concepts of the Chris Quigley curriculum to form its subject progression.
For copyright reasons, this document is not published on our website, but is available on request.
Subject gallery
Pupil Voice
I really enjoy designing and drawing my ideas. I also like putting materials together, including food technology. I like using design booklets. Design Technology is important in specific careers such as mechanics, architecture and becoming a chef. I think it's a fun way to learn.
I enjoy the different processes in design technology - you can apply lots of different skills to the one product. The part of the process that I enjoy most is evaluating the finished product and changing and adapting things as I complete the process.
Useful documents and websites