

Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.

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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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Spring Term gallery

English - Writing our own Kingfisher poem

Music - playing along with our feature song - Erie canal

Geography - learning about the water cycle - so we got out to experience precipitation!

PE - Health related fitness - long running, shuttle sprints, squats and testing flexibility

Art - Acrylic perspective landscapes inspired by David Hockney

History - Being Mayans, playing Pok-a-Tok and testing chocolate!

Computing - Databases

Computing - Microbits Programming

Science - Forces

History - Creating our own Ancient Mayan God and Goddess masks

ART - exploring different techniques with acrylic paint

RE - trip to our local church to explore the elements of a Christian church and their meaning

Skate boarding enrichment workshop

History - Creating our own Mayan civilization using our imagination!

PE - Tag Rugby

RE - Exploring and identifying how God shows loving and holiness.

ART 3 - Using watercolour to bring perspective to life

PSHE - Exploring jobs, professions and careers

HISTORY - Making our own Ancient Maya calendar systems.

PE 2 - Moving our counter balances onto equipment!

ART 2 - Exploring sketching techniques and landscape perspective to develop our own David Hockney inspired painting

PE 1 - Using counterbalance with a partner to feel a 'push' force.
