

Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.

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Welcome to

Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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The intent of our curriculum is to provide a breadth and depth in all subjects to ensure a secure learning journey. This will enable pupils to flourish spiritually, physically, mentally and socially. Within our local context and our school environment, we equip our pupils with the powerful knowledge they need to be curious, confident, resilient and responsible individuals as they grow, preparing them for their future.


At Yattendon, cultural capital is the powerful knowledge gained through our curriculum and abundant learning opportunities that enables pupils to flourish and succeed academically and personally in their community and the diverse world.

Curriculum Model

Curriculum enrichment

Expert vocabulary

We place a strong emphasis on the use and understanding of technical vocabulary within all learning. Expert vocabulary is taught explicitly in all subject areas and this is modelled by staff. The children are then expected to use this in their explanations to show knowledge and understanding.

Evidence of greater depth:

· Solve complex/non-routine problems using prior knowledge/experience

· Appraise – showing reflection and evaluation

· Hypothesize – by asking complex questions and investigating

· Cite evidence to justify and explain responses and opinions using technical / appropriate vocabulary

· Use skills and knowledge for their own creations

· Shows an extra interest beyond the classroom / curriculum developing an enriched cultural capital in this area

SEND adaptations and support:

Learning at Yattendon is inclusive and all children regardless of gender, background, culture, physical or cognitive development have equal opportunities to participate and enjoy learning. Our provision is adapted in a variety of ways to make it accessible and achievable for all.

Adapting the position of the activity

· choice of seating/standing / floor positions that suit individual physical or concentration needs

· accessibility of materials and equipment – have resources within reach of individuals

Adapting the equipment / resources

· e,g. tools, pencil size, brush size.


Individual and paired/group work

· When appropriate children will be paired or grouped to support their learning. This may involve mixing abilities to support lower abilities/ less confident to manage all the steps in a task or reduce frustrations.

· Collaborative projects can help build confidence and success that isn’t achieved when working alone

· Some may need space to work on their own at that own pace


· Extra time to complete tasks

· Additional processing time

· Movement or brain breaks

Teacher’s role / adult support

· Motivate, model, and encourage

· Modify questioning

· Pre-teaching to prepare for new learning

· Help organise the learner

· Know individuals and be sensitive to their needs

· Make adaptations to expected outcome/task

· Provide scaffolds to get the child started

· Make learning a positive experience

To find out more about our curriculum, please explore the subject pages and class pages.

Staff are responsible for different subject areas across the school. If you would like to find out more please speak with the Headteacher in the first instance.
