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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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Reading progression document



 Following a clear progression of skills, access to a wide range of texts our curriculum develops the whole reader.

Our whole school approach focuses heavily on modelling reading skills, strategies and developing a love and respect of books.


  • Adults read daily to the children

- choosing texts that will challenge their understanding of text structure and include ambitious vocabulary.

- exposing them to a diverse range of texts, structured in different ways developing their understanding of how vocabulary enhances meaning and author intention

  • Oral rehearsal and retelling of familiar texts – this then stimulates learning experiences and imagination across all areas of the curriculum
  • Through modelling and explicit teaching children learn the conventions of reading fiction and non-fiction e.g., left to right, turning one page at a time, pictures to support the text.
  • They build a repertoire of known stories and poems through the year
  • Reading to perform (learning poems by heart/ learning lines for productions




As a school we follow the Twinkl DfE approved systematic synthetic phonics programme, providing a cohesive approach supported by our home reading scheme.

 There are 4 key elements we teach the children to master

  • Rapid recall of GPCs (letter sounds)
  • Rapid recall of tricky/common exception words
  • Efficient blending skills
  • Efficient segmenting skills
  • Daily structured phonic sessions in the Early Years and Year 1
  • Interventions and targeted support continue throughout the school as required (informed by rigorous assessment throughout the year)




  • Clear progression through the UK Reading Recovery National Network book banding guidance to colour band all of our texts (organised into fiction, non-fiction and poetry). We have books from a range of published schemes, including Collins and Oxford Reading Scheme to ensure the pupils receive a broad diet of material.
  • Children take home books to read each week (parents are supported through reading leaflets)
  • In the Early Years and KS 1 children are heard read by an adult in school at least once a week, there is an expectation that books are read twice – the first read is a technical read, and the second read develops comprehension and understanding.
  • In the Early Years and KS 1 these home readers are carefully selected to match the child’s individual reading needs. Running records are used to ensure the text is at instructional level for reading at home. As children progress through KS 2 books are self-selected and this becomes more focused on reading for pleasure. Adults and peers advise and recommend books/authors to provide opportunities for discussion about themes and conventions across a wide range of reading.




As a school we have adopted the VIPERS approach for Guided Reading. VIPERS is an acronym to aid the recall of key reading domains from the National Curriculum. They are the key areas which we feel children need to know and understands in order to improve their comprehension of texts.

V = Vocabulary

I = Infer

P =Predict

E = Explain

R = Retrieve

S = Sequence (KS 1) Summarise (KS 2)

Guided reading is planned and discreetly taught across the school VIPERS to ensure that pupils ask and answer questions across the domains

  • Guided reading texts are high quality texts chosen to compliment the writing unit focus for each half term.
  • Each week the children focus on a specific reading skill (VIPERS) within daily, whole class guided sessions. They practise the learnt skill linked to a high-quality model text, gradually gaining independence in application to comprehension tasks and developing greater confidence in both reading and comprehension.




  • Children will engage in meaningful discussions, adults will model appropriate listening and responding
  • Questioning will be used to extend children’s understanding and knowledge
  • One session a week will focus on the vocabulary in the text, with use of dictionaries and thesaurus’
  • Regular opportunities to verbally communicate well-structured descriptions and formulate well-constructed points
  • All children will be expected to participate within both small and larger group discussions, presentations, role play and debates
  • Adult will model and expect good use of standard English when communicating ideas
  • Opportunities to rehearse and perform to develop the ability to speak audibly and fluently showing understanding through intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to the audience.




As a school that nurtures every individual reader, we provide abundant opportunities to celebrate a love of the written word.

  • Annually celebrate World Book Day
  • Reading Nest – an after-school club for enthusiastic readers
  • Volunteers to hear readers
  • Mystery Reader visitors in the Early Years
  • Displays across the school
  • Book corners in every classroom
  • Buddies to support reading across classes
  • Books available at playtime and lunchtime
  • Daily story times timetabled
  • High level class texts – chosen to compliment or enhance aspects of the curriculum
  • All staff have access to recommended books lists to help them make decisions about appropriate high-quality texts to use
  • Books lists are on the website for children and parents to access
  • Time given for independent reading
  • Workshops using texts as a stimulus (dance)
  • A diverse and evolving library that the children use regularly to enhance the whole curriculum, this includes audio books, picture books, novels and non-fiction texts
  • Weekly library visits to make personal choices of texts to take home and enjoy - An adult is also available in the library during a playtime a week to help children.



World Book Day 2023

Pupil Voice


I love story time.    Jack, Year R


We read to our teachers to help us get better at reading. Penny, Year R


I love reading because it helps my writing. Bear, Year 1


I love reading because when I read it gives me pictures in my head and takes me to a new world. Tamara, Year 2


Our texts are creative and link to other subjects in the curriculum - Maeve, Year 5


I love reading, I like books that take me somewhere else.  Gabriella, Year 5



I like to read mystery stories because they make me think and imagine. Dulcie, Year 5


Whole Class Guided Reading

Supporting Reading Booklet for parents

Supporting Reading Presentation for Parents of EYFS and KS1

Websites and materials to support reading
