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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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The intent of our Languages curriculum is to provide depth in the secure acquisition of a common foreign language.  The learning journey at Yattendon focuses primarily on the language of French, whilst exposing pupils to other languages. The journey begins in EYFS and progresses through the key skills of speaking, listening, reading, writing and grammar. This will enable pupils to flourish in the powerful knowledge that many features of languages are transferrable across the world. They will be curious and confident as their skills develop and they recognise how empowering and exciting it is to be able to communicate in another language.  




We teach the threshold concepts of languages discretely, through Language Angels Curriculum, through a progression of listening, speaking, reading writing and grammar skills. Retrieval skills and connections are developed as pupils’ progress from an early language teaching type, to intermediate and onto progressive. Progression in these skills takes place both within and across each teaching type. At Yattendon CE Primary School we have chosen to introduce French from EYFS to ensure an awareness, enjoyment and understanding of language beyond English.

  • Languages teaching is structured through the use of a Languages Learning journey half termly which is formed from a half termly topic unit. This details key vocabulary, key questions, success criteria and supporting visuals. Developing confident fluency in conversational skills is woven through each unit
  • France is taught as a host country at KS1, giving pupils a clear knowledge and understanding of the culture of the countries in which the language is spoken
  • Bilingual texts are provided in our school library for pupils to access and explore
  • Classes have sets of bilingual dictionaries and resources to support learning
  • French is celebrated through the on-going provision of displays of key vocabulary within classrooms and communal areas around school
  • Links are made between common features of languages
  • Singing is an enjoyable feature of our language learning
  • Lunchtime French Club runs regularly throughout the year for KS1 and 2



Valuing every child as a unique individual, teaching and learning will be adapted to ensure equitable provision, representing all protective characteristics. 


Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development

Within our languages curriculum we explore and make connections with a balance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects in order to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and our diverse world. 

Curriculum content

Progression of knowledge

A language learning skills progression by year group is provided for teacher reference. A 9-page progression map through the various Language Angels Teaching Types is also provided to each teacher to ensure a clear professional understanding of how the level of learning and progression is increased as pupils move across each subsequently more challenging Language Angels Teaching Type from Early Language to Intermediate and on to Progressive.

Subject gallery

Pupil voice


' love learning French and other languages because I like exploring the similarities between two languages.'

'It’s important to learn a different language because if you go to a different country you might need to speak a different language so you can make friends.'

'Because if you need to go to another country you would know how to talk to everyone'

'It is important to know a language because if you go to let’s say Turkey it’s helpful to know Turkish so you can understand Turkish people'

'I enjoy learning a different language because it is useful and you can use it to help you in a different country'

'Because it is fun!'

Useful documents and websites!

If you would like to help your child with French at home there are numerous resources online, particularly you tube videos and songs! 










