Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.
Welcome to
Yattendon C of E Aided
Primary School
A small school with a big vision
Intent of our computing curriculum, provision and enrichment
The intent of our computing curriculum is to develop deep knowledge of the use of technology and encourage children to appreciate the capabilities of a range of software and programs. Pupils will create, organise, communicate and collaborate with others, growing in confidence when encountering new technology. Pupils will flourish as creative and curious digital citizens, responsibly using a range of transferable skills to thrive in their future within a changing landscape of technology.
Valuing every child as a unique individual, teaching and learning will be adapted to ensure equitable provision, representing all protective characteristics.
Spiritual, moral, social and cultural development
Within our computing curriculum, we explore and make connections with a balance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects in order to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and our diverse world.
Progression Knowledge
We have created comprehensive documents which include our whole school curriculum progression for Computing. The school uses the threshold concepts of the Chris Quigley curriculum to form its subject progression.
For copyright reasons, this document is not published on our website, but is available on request
Subject gallery
Pupil voice
I like typing out and publishing my stories.
I like learning about computers and it is fun!
I find it fun to explore different websites.
I like playing games and finding out new things.
It is important for our future because we learn how to stay safe online.
I like how we are learning to be safe online.
You can learn skills for your job in the future.
Useful documents and website
E-safety is very important to us.
In the link below you will find lots of information and tips on how to keep your child safe on line.