Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.
Welcome to
Yattendon C of E Aided
Primary School
A small school with a big vision
"Writing is a form of art" Maren Year 5
Implementation of our Writing Curriculum
Following a clear progression of skills within a range of genres (within fiction, non-fiction and poetry) and access to a wide range of model texts our curriculum develops the whole writer. We use the Pie Corbett Talk for Writing as our whole school approach which encourages children to imitate the language they need orally before writing their own innovations and inventions.
The structure of the writing journey:
Technical challenge
Share writing journey
Analysis of model text
Imitate - overwriting
Innovate – independent short pieces
Invent – planning own version
Invent – showstopper – independent draft of planned writing
Edit and publish
Assessment – self, peer and teacher
As a school we discretely teach the age-related curriculum expectations for vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
Children then apply these skills within writing composition tasks both supported and independent through English lessons and cross curricular contexts
Children will develop a rich spoken and written vocabulary
Children will develop a strong command of the grammatical convention of standard written English
Children will understand the use of punctuation to clarify and impact meaning within writing
By the end of KS 2 children will manipulate these features to enhance their and engage the reader
Spelling – phonics / non nonsense spelling tests each week marking to pick up on spellings
Handwriting – precursive, into cursive / pens are introduced as they become more confident – handwriting sessions weekly?
Progression for handwriting – Oxford Owl
Early writing skills – dough disco / fine motor skills
Children will engage in meaningful discussions, adults will model appropriate listening and responding
Questioning will be used to extend children’s understanding and knowledge
One session a week will focus on the vocabulary, grammar and punctuation within modelled writing, with use of dictionaries and thesaurus’
Regular opportunities to verbally communicate well-structured descriptions and formulate well-constructed points
All children will be expected to participate within both small and larger group discussions, presentations, role play and debates
Adult will model and expect good use of standard English when communicating ideas
Opportunities to rehearse and perform to develop the ability to speak audibly and fluently showing understanding through intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning is clear to the audience.
Pupil Voice
I love writing because it means I can write stories and share my ideas - Lucy, Year 2
I like writing because I can be creative - Thomas, Year 2 I like being able to publish my work. It is good to finish it properly - Maci, Year 5
Our texts are creative and link to other subjects in the curriculum - Maeve, Year 5
Writing is like a form of art - Maren, Year 5
I personally love writing stories so my imagination can go wild! - Maisy, Year 6
Writing is fun and good for my brain - Joshua, Year 3
Spelling and Grammar at Yattendon
Handwriting at Yattendon
Websites and materials to support writing