

Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.

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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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Robins is the Year 1 and Year 2 class at Yattendon.

Mrs Mason is the class teacher and Miss Amey is the full time TA. Mrs Keene will also be supporting as TA across Owls and Robins each week. 



  Mr Bint will lead one of the weekly PE sessions. PE sessions will be on Wednesday and Thursday. 



Visits to the outdoor classroom in the woods will be a regular event this year. Year 1 and 2 will join Owls to enjoy woodland learning. 

We are now in the Summer Term!

Our new text for English is Iggy Peck Architect and we started by having a go at making creative, strong or tall structures using unusual materials!

As part of our Science this term we have been looking at different biomes, habitats and microhabitats. We focused on this during our visit to the woodland classroom.



This unit started with the arrival of a parcel. We had to work out which character the objects belonged. We thought about the relationship between the main characters, Finn and his Grandpa. They loved spending time together, fishing and dreaming of adventure. Sadly Finn's grandpa has died and he is now planning an adventure of his own. 


This book is beautifully illustrated and so far we have focused on writing descriptions and instructions. 

ART - SCULPTURE - We have been inspired by the artists Marc Quinn and Michelle Reader to create sculptures. We used bread dough to sculpt our own hands and recycled packaging to make a colourful monster.

DANCE - Superhero poses on our fantastic new stage in the playground!

Get set...




It is the SPRING TERM and we are going to be very busy! 


Follow our exciting learning journey below...

English has dominated our interest so far with a crash landing in the playground on the first day of term! The children have now met Beegu and completed a range of different writing styles related to the story.

Computing. This half term we are learning to programme a robot called a Beebot. The children with explore the controls, make and follow sequences of instructions.

In science we are learning about animals including humans. First we have investigated the five senses through a selection of activities.

Autumn Term Learning

Here is our feelings table. We put our feelings stick in the colour that matches our feeling every morning. If we have a worry we can pop it in the worry box. Our Jigsaw friends are here to help us. 

In English we are using the story Cave Baby to inspire our learning. So far we have creating a cave in the classroom and decorated the walls with cave paintings!  We are learning the sequence of the story, adding actions to help us learn it. In writing we have worked on creating  noun phrases to describe the animals in the story. 


big, brown bear

fierce, sabre-toothed tiger

hoppy, long-eared hare

spotty, cheeky hyena

huge, scruffy woolly mammoth




 We are focusing on the need to remember a capital letter and a full stop in every sentence. 

Nature is the inspiration for our art this half term. 

We looked at shapes in nature and with a pencil created sketches of natural objects we found around the school grounds. We drew sticks, shells, pine cones and feathers. The children looked closely to observe the detail and their drawings reflect this. 

Some examples of the mix media animals the children created. We were inspired by the author and illustrated Eric Carle.

Computing - Using the mouse and keyboard.

Our reenactment of the Battle of Hastings.

Acting out our story - The Journey Home in our class boat.

Celebrating difference with Odd Socks Day!

Geography - using maps and globes. We are learning about the United Kingdom this half term.

Children in Need 2023. The children dressed up in spots to support this charity event. We also used Pudsey to inspire our comptuting session by adding spots to our lines and shape pictures. Some creative individuals used Paint to create Pudsey pictures. Great mouse control Robins!

Our new story for English is all about space. The children were thrilled to see the rocket arrive in the reading corner! I am exctied to see the writing over the coming weeks.

We enjoyed learning about Owls of England. We loved all of them!

For DT this term we explored slider mechanisms. We made pop up pictures, sliding pictures linked to our space story and finally a magical, colour changing Christmas card.

This year our fantastic Nativity performance was called "The Big Little Nativity". We enjoyed the songs and the story. We are very proud of Owls and Robins for their hardwork.

Christmas jumper fun and a winter trip to the woods. We made reindeer food, twig trees and enjoyed a hot chocolate and biscuit treat.
