Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.
Welcome to
Yattendon C of E Aided
Primary School
A small school with a big vision
Intent of our Maths curriculum, provision and enrichment
The intent of our Maths curriculum is to develop deep structural knowledge of fundamental concepts using accurate vocabulary to communicate. Varied and frequent practice will build procedural fluency and enable pupils to make connections within mathematics and beyond. Pupils confidently manipulate this knowledge, ask questions and apply this to familiar and unfamiliar contexts using a range of representations. They will flourish as creative and curious mathematicians, empowered to navigate their future life responsibly.
Mastery approach to whole class teaching – using the CPA (concrete, pictorial, abstract) approach
Wide and rich selection of planning and teaching resources- White Rose, NCTEM PD materials, Times Tables Rock Stars, Maths shed, Espresso
Children access the same concept at the same time with challenge provided through variation and opportunities to explore concepts further
In EYFS, KS1 and KS2, Maths is taught discretely and daily with continuous provision within and beyond the classroom.
Afternoon daily discreet fluency practise sessions: number bonds and times tables fluency activities
Sentence stems are used to support and develop children’s use of mathematical vocabulary
Relevant mathematical vocabulary and visual aids clearly incorporated within interactive maths walls
AfL strategies used to determine where extra support/challenge is appropriate resulting in teacher/TA-led interventions
‘Mistakes’ are acknowledged as part of the learning process and misconceptions addressed.
Evidence of learning is recorded in a variety of ways e.g. books, displays, photos, reflective comments, presentations
Actively promote Maths linked careers through Aspiration maths lessons, assemblies and events
STEM events throughout the year
Use of our environment and resources at lunchtime to develop a love of Maths
Maths workshops for parents
Maths focused trips and visits to our woodland classroom
Valuing every child as a unique individual, teaching and learning will be adapted to ensure equitable provision, representing all protective characteristics.
Social, Moral and Spiritual and Cultural development
Within our Maths curriculum we explore and make connections with a balance of spiritual, moral, social and cultural aspects in order to prepare our children for life in modern Britain and our diverse world.
Curriculum Content
Progression of knowledge
We have created comprehensive documents which include our whole school curriculum progression for Maths. The school uses the threshold concepts of the Chris Quigley curriculum to form its subject progression.
For copyright reasons, this document is not published on our website, but is available on request.
Gallery of learning
Pupil Voice SPRING 2023
Maths is fun, I like using the equipment and learning about numbers. Felix, Year R
I love Maths, I like thinking about numbers and solving number sentences. Harry, Year 1
Maths is like a cookie because it has so many ingredients! Darcey Yr 2
Maths gets me excited, it challenges my brain and I love to solve problems and find patterns. Dulcie, Year 5
All children have a Purple Mash log in and Key Stage 2 have one for Times Tables Rock Stars.
Ask in school if you can't find it!
Useful Websites:
Times Tables Rock Stars (ttrockstars.com)
Other very useful websites: