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Yattendon C of E Aided

Primary School

A small school with a big vision

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Dear Parents and Carers


Enhancement Fund


We would like to take this opportunity to inform new parents in particular of our enhancement fund which has been running successfully for several years now. It has made such a difference to our ability to purchase additional items for the school.


In response to parental suggestion and in-line with many other schools, we invite all families to make a financial donation to the school. This is entirely voluntary and no pupil will miss out if their parents or carers cannot make a contribution.


Last year, we were able to purchase items such as playsuits for Forest Friday, headphones, Reading scheme book sets, a new class iPad, wicker cosy pod and wicker arches, non-fiction library books and sensory play items. We were able to ensure all classes had new hi-vis jackets.


This initiative is very different to the ongoing work of FOYS (Friends of Yattendon School) who focus on raising funds for specific items or projects and enrichment days for school. Please also note that any contribution made in response to this letter is separate from other payments throughout the year such as for trips out, swimming lessons and after-school clubs, so please bear that in mind when considering if and how much you give.


How we use the additional funds from this initiative will be reported through the Resources Committee who oversee all financial management matters at school.


If you feel able to give a one-off annual donation, Mrs Urwin has set up a facility to do this using School Gateway (our school on-line payment system). There are details about how to use this on our school website. School Gateway Information  Do ask in the office if you are having any difficulties in using this.


If you have any questions about this initiative please contact myself or Mrs Dobbins, our School Business Manager.


Thank you for your continued support of our small school and the ambitious educational experience that we offer your children and for your understanding and consideration of making a voluntary contribution.


Yours sincerely


Rachel Manley

Head Teacher
