Welcome to our small and friendly village school. We have enthusiastic pupils and staff, who are passionate about engaging in rich learning experiences.
Welcome to
Yattendon C of E Aided
Primary School
A small school with a big vision
A school RE Day was led by an organisation called Barnabus, which ran a captivating assembly about ‘Christians around the World’. Throughout the day, each class had a session with Jane who had visited churches all around the world. Our favourite part was looking at different types of crosses from around the world.
On a similar note, six of our new Year 5 Worship Leaders ventured to All Saints Church in Bucklebury on Thursday for a day of workshops and training. They had a fantastic day working with children from other local schools and experienced workshops through the day. They created super worship tables, converted a psalm into a song to perform, wrote prayers and used drama to act out the story of the ‘Lost Sheep’. They will now introduce some of their ideas into our Collective Worship at school.